Our values in action
We are a Christian community
We are a Christian-based recovery program. We believe true repentance brings profound life changes.
You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone
The way out is to let others in.
Self-reliance: There is no free lunch
It’s pretty simple: if we don’t work, we don’t eat.
Impeccable Honesty
Honesty is the only path to reconnecting with ourselves and having real relationships.
Act as if you believe in the Golden Rule
Trust us, you’re going to hate it . . . until you love it. Over time we become that which we habitually do.
Embrace Humility
Be humble. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Each one-teach one
When A teaches B, A gets better. You can’t keep it without giving it away.
200% Accountability
Secrets Kill - Truth heals. If we choose to allow our family to become “dirty,” we kill the very thing that will save us.
Speak out rather than act out or check out. Work on me first, you second.
Let go.
No threats of violence
No acts of violence
No substance abuse
Make and keep promises
We can’t simply change our address; we must change ourselves.
Pride in work
The best way to create a feeling of well-being is to do any job with joy and love.